=== Heap: Sizing and Swapping
The default installation of Elasticsearch is configured with a 1 GB heap. ((("deployment", "heap, sizing and swapping")))((("heap", "sizing and setting"))) For
just about every deployment, this number is far too small. If you are using the
default heap values, your cluster is probably configured incorrectly.
There are two ways to change the heap size in Elasticsearch. The easiest is to
set an environment variable called `ES_HEAP_SIZE`.((("ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable"))) When the server process
starts, it will read this environment variable and set the heap accordingly.
As an example, you can set it via the command line as follows:
export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g
Alternatively, you can pass in the heap size via a command-line argument when starting
the process, if that is easier for your setup:
./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx10g -Xms10g <1>
<1> Ensure that the min (`Xms`) and max (`Xmx`) sizes are the same to prevent
the heap from resizing at runtime, a very costly process.
Generally, setting the `ES_HEAP_SIZE` environment variable is preferred over setting
explicit `-Xmx` and `-Xms` values.
==== Give Half Your Memory to Lucene
A common problem is configuring a heap that is _too_ large. ((("heap", "sizing and setting", "giving half your memory to Lucene"))) You have a 64 GB
machine--and by golly, you want to give Elasticsearch all 64 GB of memory. More
is better!
Heap is definitely important to Elasticsearch. It is used by many in-memory data
structures to provide fast operation. But with that said, there is another major
user of memory that is _off heap_: Lucene.
Lucene is designed to leverage the underlying OS for caching in-memory data structures.((("Lucene", "memory for")))
Lucene segments are stored in individual files. Because segments are immutable,
these files never change. This makes them very cache friendly, and the underlying
OS will happily keep hot segments resident in memory for faster access.
Lucene's performance relies on this interaction with the OS. But if you give all
available memory to Elasticsearch's heap, there won't be any left over for Lucene.
This can seriously impact the performance of full-text search.
The standard recommendation is to give 50% of the available memory to Elasticsearch
heap, while leaving the other 50% free. It won't go unused; Lucene will happily
gobble up whatever is left over.
==== Don't Cross 32 GB!
There is another reason to not allocate enormous heaps to Elasticsearch. As it turns((("heap", "sizing and setting", "32gb heap boundary")))((("32gb Heap boundary")))
out, the JVM uses a trick to compress object pointers when heaps are less than
~32 GB.
In Java, all objects are allocated on the heap and referenced by a pointer.
Ordinary object pointers (OOP) point at these objects, and are traditionally
the size of the CPU's native _word_: either 32 bits or 64 bits, depending on the
processor. The pointer references the exact byte location of the value.
For 32-bit systems, this means the maximum heap size is 4 GB. For 64-bit systems,
the heap size can get much larger, but the overhead of 64-bit pointers means there
is more wasted space simply because the pointer is larger. And worse than wasted
space, the larger pointers eat up more bandwidth when moving values between
main memory and various caches (LLC, L1, and so forth).
Java uses a trick called https://wikis.oracle.com/display/HotSpotInternals/CompressedOops[compressed oops]((("compressed object pointers")))
to get around this problem. Instead of pointing at exact byte locations in
memory, the pointers reference _object offsets_.((("object offsets"))) This means a 32-bit pointer can
reference four billion _objects_, rather than four billion bytes. Ultimately, this
means the heap can grow to around 32 GB of physical size while still using a 32-bit
Once you cross that magical ~30–32 GB boundary, the pointers switch back to
ordinary object pointers. The size of each pointer grows, more CPU-memory
bandwidth is used, and you effectively lose memory. In fact, it takes until around
40–50 GB of allocated heap before you have the same _effective_ memory of a 32 GB
heap using compressed oops.
The moral of the story is this: even when you have memory to spare, try to avoid
crossing the 32 GB heap boundary. It wastes memory, reduces CPU performance, and
makes the GC struggle with large heaps.
.I Have a Machine with 1 TB RAM!
The 32 GB line is fairly important. So what do you do when your machine has a lot
of memory? It is becoming increasingly common to see super-servers with 300–500 GB
of RAM.
First, we would recommend avoiding such large machines (see <<hardware>>).
But if you already have the machines, you have two practical options:
- Are you doing mostly full-text search? Consider giving 32 GB to Elasticsearch
and letting Lucene use the rest of memory via the OS filesystem cache. All that
memory will cache segments and lead to blisteringly fast full-text search.
- Are you doing a lot of sorting/aggregations? You'll likely want that memory
in the heap then. Instead of one node with 32 GB+ of RAM, consider running two or
more nodes on a single machine. Still adhere to the 50% rule, though. So if your
machine has 128 GB of RAM, run two nodes, each with 32 GB. This means 64 GB will be
used for heaps, and 64 will be left over for Lucene.
If you choose this option, set `cluster.routing.allocation.same_shard.host: true`
in your config. This will prevent a primary and a replica shard from colocating
to the same physical machine (since this would remove the benefits of replica high availability).
==== Swapping Is the Death of Performance
It should be obvious,((("heap", "sizing and setting", "swapping, death of performance")))((("memory", "swapping as the death of performance")))((("swapping, the death of performance"))) but it bears spelling out clearly: swapping main memory
to disk will _crush_ server performance. Think about it: an in-memory operation
is one that needs to execute quickly.
If memory swaps to disk, a 100-microsecond operation becomes one that take 10
milliseconds. Now repeat that increase in latency for all other 10us operations.
It isn't difficult to see why swapping is terrible for performance.
The best thing to do is disable swap completely on your system. This can be done
sudo swapoff -a
To disable it permanently, you'll likely need to edit your `/etc/fstab`. Consult
the documentation for your OS.
If disabling swap completely is not an option, you can try to lower `swappiness`.
This value controls how aggressively the OS tries to swap memory.
This prevents swapping under normal circumstances, but still allows the OS to swap
under emergency memory situations.
For most Linux systems, this is configured using the `sysctl` value:
vm.swappiness = 1 <1>
<1> A `swappiness` of `1` is better than `0`, since on some kernel versions a `swappiness`
of `0` can invoke the OOM-killer.
Finally, if neither approach is possible, you should enable `mlockall`.
file. This allows the JVM to lock its memory and prevent
it from being swapped by the OS. In your `elasticsearch.yml`, set this:
bootstrap.mlockall: true
- Introduction
- 入门
- 是什么
- 安装
- 文档
- 索引
- 搜索
- 聚合
- 小结
- 分布式
- 结语
- 分布式集群
- 空集群
- 集群健康
- 添加索引
- 故障转移
- 横向扩展
- 更多扩展
- 应对故障
- 数据
- 文档
- 索引
- 获取
- 存在
- 更新
- 创建
- 删除
- 版本控制
- 局部更新
- Mget
- 批量
- 结语
- 分布式增删改查
- 路由
- 分片交互
- 新建、索引和删除
- 检索
- 局部更新
- 批量请求
- 批量格式
- 搜索
- 空搜索
- 多索引和多类型
- 分页
- 查询字符串
- 映射和分析
- 数据类型差异
- 确切值对决全文
- 倒排索引
- 分析
- 映射
- 复合类型
- 结构化查询
- 请求体查询
- 结构化查询
- 查询与过滤
- 重要的查询子句
- 过滤查询
- 验证查询
- 结语
- 排序
- 排序
- 字符串排序
- 相关性
- 字段数据
- 分布式搜索
- 查询阶段
- 取回阶段
- 搜索选项
- 扫描和滚屏
- 索引管理
- 创建删除
- 设置
- 配置分析器
- 自定义分析器
- 映射
- 根对象
- 元数据中的source字段
- 元数据中的all字段
- 元数据中的ID字段
- 动态映射
- 自定义动态映射
- 默认映射
- 重建索引
- 别名
- 深入分片
- 使文本可以被搜索
- 动态索引
- 近实时搜索
- 持久化变更
- 合并段
- 结构化搜索
- 查询准确值
- 组合过滤
- 查询多个准确值
- 包含,而不是相等
- 范围
- 处理 Null 值
- 缓存
- 过滤顺序
- 全文搜索
- 匹配查询
- 多词查询
- 组合查询
- 布尔匹配
- 增加子句
- 控制分析
- 关联失效
- 多字段搜索
- 多重查询字符串
- 单一查询字符串
- 最佳字段
- 最佳字段查询调优
- 多重匹配查询
- 最多字段查询
- 跨字段对象查询
- 以字段为中心查询
- 全字段查询
- 跨字段查询
- 精确查询
- 模糊匹配
- Phrase matching
- Slop
- Multi value fields
- Scoring
- Relevance
- Performance
- Shingles
- Partial_Matching
- Postcodes
- Prefix query
- Wildcard Regexp
- Match phrase prefix
- Index time
- Ngram intro
- Search as you type
- Compound words
- Relevance
- Scoring theory
- Practical scoring
- Query time boosting
- Query scoring
- Not quite not
- Ignoring TFIDF
- Function score query
- Popularity
- Boosting filtered subsets
- Random scoring
- Decay functions
- Pluggable similarities
- Conclusion
- Language intro
- Intro
- Using
- Configuring
- Language pitfalls
- One language per doc
- One language per field
- Mixed language fields
- Conclusion
- Identifying words
- Intro
- Standard analyzer
- Standard tokenizer
- ICU plugin
- ICU tokenizer
- Tidying text
- Token normalization
- Intro
- Lowercasing
- Removing diacritics
- Unicode world
- Case folding
- Character folding
- Sorting and collations
- Stemming
- Intro
- Algorithmic stemmers
- Dictionary stemmers
- Hunspell stemmer
- Choosing a stemmer
- Controlling stemming
- Stemming in situ
- Stopwords
- Intro
- Using stopwords
- Stopwords and performance
- Divide and conquer
- Phrase queries
- Common grams
- Relevance
- Synonyms
- Intro
- Using synonyms
- Synonym formats
- Expand contract
- Analysis chain
- Multi word synonyms
- Symbol synonyms
- Fuzzy matching
- Intro
- Fuzziness
- Fuzzy query
- Fuzzy match query
- Scoring fuzziness
- Phonetic matching
- Aggregations
- overview
- circuit breaker fd settings
- filtering
- facets
- docvalues
- eager
- breadth vs depth
- Conclusion
- concepts buckets
- basic example
- add metric
- nested bucket
- extra metrics
- bucket metric list
- histogram
- date histogram
- scope
- filtering
- sorting ordering
- approx intro
- cardinality
- percentiles
- sigterms intro
- sigterms
- fielddata
- analyzed vs not
- 地理坐标点
- 地理坐标点
- 通过地理坐标点过滤
- 地理坐标盒模型过滤器
- 地理距离过滤器
- 缓存地理位置过滤器
- 减少内存占用
- 按距离排序
- Geohashe
- Geohashe
- Geohashe映射
- Geohash单元过滤器
- 地理位置聚合
- 地理位置聚合
- 按距离聚合
- Geohash单元聚合器
- 范围(边界)聚合器
- 地理形状
- 地理形状
- 映射地理形状
- 索引地理形状
- 查询地理形状
- 在查询中使用已索引的形状
- 地理形状的过滤与缓存
- 关系
- 关系
- 应用级别的Join操作
- 扁平化你的数据
- Top hits
- Concurrency
- Concurrency solutions
- 嵌套
- 嵌套对象
- 嵌套映射
- 嵌套查询
- 嵌套排序
- 嵌套集合
- Parent Child
- Parent child
- Indexing parent child
- Has child
- Has parent
- Children agg
- Grandparents
- Practical considerations
- Scaling
- Shard
- Overallocation
- Kagillion shards
- Capacity planning
- Replica shards
- Multiple indices
- Index per timeframe
- Index templates
- Retiring data
- Index per user
- Shared index
- Faking it
- One big user
- Scale is not infinite
- Cluster Admin
- Marvel
- Health
- Node stats
- Other stats
- Deployment
- hardware
- other
- config
- dont touch
- heap
- file descriptors
- conclusion
- cluster settings
- Post Deployment
- dynamic settings
- logging
- indexing perf
- rolling restart
- backup
- restore
- conclusion