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# C++ 程序:使用运算符重载减去复数 > 原文: [https://www.programiz.com/cpp-programming/operator-overloading/binary-operator-overloading](https://www.programiz.com/cpp-programming/operator-overloading/binary-operator-overloading) #### 在此示例中,您将学习使用-运算符重载来减去复数。 要理解此示例,您应该了解以下 [C++ 编程](/cpp-programming "C++ tutorial")主题: * [C++ 类和对象](/cpp-programming/object-class) * [C++ 构造器](/cpp-programming/constructors) * [C++ 运算符重载](/cpp-programming/operator-overloading) * * * 由于-是二元运算符(对两个操作数进行运算的运算符),因此应将其中一个操作数作为参数传递给运算符函数,其余过程类似于一元运算符的[重载](/cpp-programming/increment-decrement-operator-overloading "Unary Operator Overloading")。 * * * ## 示例:用于减去复数的二元运算符重载 ```cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Complex { private: float real; float imag; public: Complex(): real(0), imag(0){ } void input() { cout << "Enter real and imaginary parts respectively: "; cin >> real; cin >> imag; } // Operator overloading Complex operator - (Complex c2) { Complex temp; temp.real = real - c2.real; temp.imag = imag - c2.imag; return temp; } void output() { if(imag < 0) cout << "Output Complex number: "<< real << imag << "i"; else cout << "Output Complex number: " << real << "+" << imag << "i"; } }; int main() { Complex c1, c2, result; cout<<"Enter first complex number:\n"; c1.input(); cout<<"Enter second complex number:\n"; c2.input(); // In case of operator overloading of binary operators in C++ programming, // the object on right hand side of operator is always assumed as argument by compiler. result = c1 - c2; result.output(); return 0; } ``` 在该程序中,创建了三个`Complex`类型的对象,并要求用户输入存储在对象`c1`和`c2`中的两个复数的实部和虚部。 然后执行语句`result = c1 -c 2`。 该语句调用运算符函数`Complex operator - (Complex c2)`。 执行`result = c1 - c2`时,会将`c2`作为参数传递给运算符。 **在 C++ 编程中二元运算符的运算符重载的情况下,编译器始终将运算符右侧的对象作为参数。** 然后,此函数将所得的复数(对象)返回到显示在屏幕上的`main()`函数。 虽然,本教程包含`-`运算符的重载,但 C++ 编程中的二元运算符(如`+`,`*`,`<`和`+=`等)也可以类似的方式进行重载。