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# Create a GitLab Pages website from scratch > 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/getting_started/pages_from_scratch.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/getting_started/pages_from_scratch.html) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Choose a Docker image](#choose-a-docker-image) * [Install Jekyll](#install-jekyll) * [Specify the `public` directory for output](#specify-the-public-directory-for-output) * [Specify the `public` directory for artifacts](#specify-the-public-directory-for-artifacts) * [Deploy specific branches to a Pages site](#deploy-specific-branches-to-a-pages-site) * [Specify a stage to deploy](#specify-a-stage-to-deploy) * [Remove duplicate commands](#remove-duplicate-commands) * [Build faster with cached dependencies](#build-faster-with-cached-dependencies) * [Related topics](#related-topics) # Create a GitLab Pages website from scratch[](#create-a-gitlab-pages-website-from-scratch "Permalink") 本教程向您展示如何从头开始创建 Pages 站点. 您将从一个空白项目开始,并创建自己的 CI 文件,该文件向[GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/)提供指导. 当您的 CI / CD [管道](../../../../ci/pipelines/index.html)运行时,将创建 Pages 站点. 本示例使用[Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/)静态站点生成器(SSG). 其他 SSG 遵循类似的步骤. 您无需熟悉 Jekyll 或 SSG 即可完成本教程. ## Prerequisites[](#prerequisites "Permalink") 要继续执行本示例,请从 GitLab 中的空白项目开始. 在根(顶级)目录中创建三个文件. * `.gitlab-ci.yml`一个 YAML 文件,其中包含要运行的命令. 现在,将文件内容保留为空白. * `index.html`您可以使用所需的 HTML 内容填充 HTML 文件,例如: ``` <html> <head> <title>Home</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` * [`Gemfile`](https://bundler.io/gemfile.html)一个描述 Ruby 程序依赖性的文件. 用以下内容填充它: ``` source "https://rubygems.org" gem "jekyll" ``` ## Choose a Docker image[](#choose-a-docker-image "Permalink") In this example, the Runner uses a [Docker image](../../../../ci/docker/using_docker_images.html) to run scripts and deploy the site. 这个特定的 Ruby 映像在[DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/_/ruby)上[维护](https://hub.docker.com/_/ruby) . 编辑您的`.gitlab-ci.yml`并将此文本添加为​​第一行. ``` image: ruby:2.7 ``` 如果您的 SSG 需要构建[NodeJS](https://s0nodejs0org.icopy.site/) ,则必须指定一个包含 NodeJS 的映像作为其文件系统的一部分. 例如,对于[Hexo](https://gitlab.com/pages/hexo)网站,可以使用`image: node:12.17.0` . ## Install Jekyll[](#install-jekyll "Permalink") 要在本地运行[Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) ,您需要打开终端并执行以下操作: * 通过运行`gem install bundler`安装[Bundler](https://bundler.io/) . * 通过运行`bundle install`创建`Gemfile.lock` . * 通过运行`bundle exec jekyll build`安装 Jekyll. 在`.gitlab-ci.yml`文件中,其写为​​: ``` script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build ``` 此外,在`.gitlab-ci.yml`文件中,每个`script`均由`job`组织. `job`包括您要应用于该特定任务的脚本和设置. ``` job: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build ``` 对于 GitLab Pages,此`job`有一个特定的名称,称为`pages` . 此设置告诉 Runner 您希望工作通过 GitLab Pages 部署您的网站: ``` pages: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build ``` ## Specify the `public` directory for output[](#specify-the-public-directory-for-output "Permalink") Jekyll 需要知道在何处生成其输出. GitLab Pages 仅考虑名为`public`的目录中的文件. Jekyll 使用目标( `-d` )为构建的网站指定输出目录: ``` pages: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public ``` ## Specify the `public` directory for artifacts[](#specify-the-public-directory-for-artifacts "Permalink") 既然 Jekyll 已将文件输出到`public`目录,则 Runner 需要知道从何处获取文件. 工件存储在`public`目录中: ``` pages: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public ``` 将其粘贴到`.gitlab-ci.yml`文件中,因此现在看起来像这样: ``` image: ruby:2.7 pages: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public ``` 现在保存并提交`.gitlab-ci.yml`文件. 您可以转到**CI / CD>管道**来观看管道运行. 成功后,请转到**"设置">"页面"**以查看您的网站现在可用的 URL. 如果您想执行更多高级任务,则可以使用[任何可用设置](../../../../ci/yaml/README.html)更新`.gitlab-ci.yml`文件. 您可以使用[GitLab CI / CD Lint Tool](../../../../ci/yaml/README.html#validate-the-gitlab-ciyml)来检查 CI 语法. 以下主题显示了可以添加到 CI / CD 文件中的其他选项的其他示例. ## Deploy specific branches to a Pages site[](#deploy-specific-branches-to-a-pages-site "Permalink") 您可能只想从特定分支部署到 Pages 站点. 首先,添加`workflow`部分以强制管道仅在将更改推送到分支时才运行: ``` image: ruby:2.7 workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' pages: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public ``` 然后将管道配置为仅运行 master 分支的作业. ``` image: ruby:2.7 workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' pages: script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' ``` ## Specify a stage to deploy[](#specify-a-stage-to-deploy "Permalink") GitLab CI / CD 有三个默认阶段:构建,测试和部署. 如果要测试脚本并在部署到生产环境之前检查构建的站点,则可以完全按按`master`来运行测试. 要为您的作业指定一个阶段,请在您的 CI 文件中添加一个`stage`行: ``` image: ruby:2.7 workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' pages: stage: deploy script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' ``` 现在,将另一个作业添加到 CI 文件,告诉它测试**除** `master`分支**以外**的每个分支上的每次推送: ``` image: ruby:2.7 workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' pages: stage: deploy script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' test: stage: test script: - gem install bundler - bundle install - bundle exec jekyll build -d test artifacts: paths: - test rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master"' ``` 当`test`作业在`test`阶段运行时,Jekyll 在名为`test`的目录中构建站点. 该工作影响除`master`之外的所有分支. 将阶段应用于不同的作业时,同一阶段中的每个作业都是并行构建的. 如果您的 Web 应用程序在部署之前需要多个测试,则可以同时运行所有测试. ## Remove duplicate commands[](#remove-duplicate-commands "Permalink") 为了避免在每个作业中重复相同的脚本,可以将它们添加到`before_script`部分. 在示例中, `gem install bundler`和`bundle install`对于作业, `pages`和`test`都在运行. 将这些命令移至`before_script`部分: ``` image: ruby:2.7 workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' before_script: - gem install bundler - bundle install pages: stage: deploy script: - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' test: stage: test script: - bundle exec jekyll build -d test artifacts: paths: - test rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master"' ``` ## Build faster with cached dependencies[](#build-faster-with-cached-dependencies "Permalink") 为了加快构建速度,您可以使用`cache`参数为项目的依赖项缓存安装文件. 此示例在运行`bundle install`时将 Jekyll 依赖项缓存在`vendor`目录中: ``` image: ruby:2.7 workflow: rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' cache: paths: - vendor/ before_script: - gem install bundler - bundle install --path vendor pages: stage: deploy script: - bundle exec jekyll build -d public artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' test: stage: test script: - bundle exec jekyll build -d test artifacts: paths: - test rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master"' ``` 在这种情况下,您需要从 Jekyll 构建的文件夹列表中排除`/vendor`目录. 否则,Jekyll 将尝试与站点一起构建目录内容. 在根目录中,创建一个名为`_config.yml`的文件并添加以下内容: ``` exclude: - vendor ``` 现在,GitLab CI / CD 不仅可以构建网站,还可以通过对功能分支的**连续测试**进行推送, **缓存**与 Bundler 一起安装的依赖项,并将每次推送**持续部署**到`master`分支. ## Related topics[](#related-topics "Permalink") 有关更多信息,请参见以下博客文章. * [Use GitLab CI/CD `environments` to deploy your web app to staging and production](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/08/26/ci-deployment-and-environments/). * Learn [how to run jobs sequentially, in parallel, or build a custom pipeline](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/07/29/the-basics-of-gitlab-ci/). * 了解[如何从不同项目中提取特定目录](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/12/07/building-a-new-gitlab-docs-site-with-nanoc-gitlab-ci-and-gitlab-pages/)以部署此网站[https://docs.gitlab.com](https://s0docs0gitlab0com.icopy.site) . * Learn [how to use GitLab Pages to produce a code coverage report](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/11/03/publish-code-coverage-report-with-gitlab-pages/).