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# Flows in GitLab QA > 原文:[]( # Flows in GitLab QA[](#flows-in-gitlab-qa "Permalink") 流是经常使用的动作序列. 它们是比页面对象更高的抽象级别. 流可以包含多个页面对象或任何其他相关代码. 例如,登录流封装了每个浏览器 UI 测试中包含的两个步骤. ``` # QA::Flow::Login def sign_in(as: nil) Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::Main::Login) Page::Main::Login.perform { |login| login.sign_in_using_credentials(user: as) } end # When used in a test it 'performs a test after signing in as the default user' do Flow::Login.sign_in # Perform the test end ``` `QA::Flow::Login`提供了更有用的流程,使测试可以轻松切换用户. ``` # QA::Flow::Login def while_signed_in(as: nil) Page::Main::Menu.perform(&:sign_out_if_signed_in) sign_in(as: as) yield Page::Main::Menu.perform(&:sign_out) end # When used in a test it 'performs a test as one user and verifies as another' do user1 = Resource::User.fabricate_or_use(Runtime::Env.gitlab_qa_username_1, Runtime::Env.gitlab_qa_password_1) user2 = Resource::User.fabricate_or_use(Runtime::Env.gitlab_qa_username_2, Runtime::Env.gitlab_qa_password_2) Flow::Login.while_signed_in(as: user1) do # Perform some setup as user1 end Flow::Login.sign_in(as: user2) # Perform the rest of the test as user2 end ```