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This tutorial will walk you through your first container terminal model. You may also want to read [Installing FlexTerm](Installing_Flexsim_CT.html), which covers downloading and activating FlexTerm as well as how to load the ContainerTerminal library. Creating a simple terminal - In the main menu choose [Container Terminal](Container_Terminal_Menu.html) > [Container Types](Container_Types.html). - Using the Add Container Type button, create a new container type (by default, a container type named Type1 is already created). - Change the name of the type by highlighting the container type and typing in a new name. Press enter to save the new type name. - Name the types Import and Export. - The changes will automatically be saved. - Close the Container Types window. ![]( - Now create the berth layout. Drag the [berth planner](BerthPlanner.html) icon from the library icon grid to the model space. A new window opens, as shown below. - On the [Berth Layout](Berth_Layout.html) tab, drag the Berth Pointicon onto the blank space, as shown below. You can pan the view by clicking the background and moving your mouse. You can also zoom in and out using the mouse wheel after you have clicked in the view. - Click on the berth point and, using the options on the left, set its XY position to (0,0). Drag another Berth Point icon into the blank space and set its XY position to (400, 0). ![]( - You just created a 400-meter-long berth. Now add a ship-to-shore gantry. - Click on the button named New Crane. - Press the Apply button to save all the changes made so far. - Move to the [Hatch Profiles](Hatch_Profiles.html) tab. Hatch profiles are task sequences that vessels create in the quay cranes once they arrive at the berth. - Use the Add Row button to create a simple job sequence like the one shown below, then click the Apply button. Note: Many cells in this table and others like it will give you a drop down of options to choose when you click the cell. Also, if you don't see your changes immediately after selecting something from the drop down list, click the cell again to apply the changes. ![]( - Move to the [Services](Services.html) tab to create the vessels. Add Hatch1 to the service’s hatch profiles using the ![]( button. ![]( - Move to the [Ship Schedule](Ship_Schedule.html) tab. Drag the Service1 box from the left panel to the week schedule. Move the service to the beginning of the week. - Click Apply and Close. ![]( - You should now be in the [3D View](Flexsim_Users_Manual.html), which is the main view when first creating or working with a new model. In the 3D view, you can use the mouse to move around in the 3D environment. Left-click and drag your mouse in a blank area of the model to translate your viewpoint. Right-click and drag the mouse to rotate your viewpoint. Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in or out (if you do not have a mouse wheel, hold both the right and left mouse buttons down and move the mouse up and down). Practice this until you get comfortable with moving around. - Zoom out enough so that you can see the [crane](Crane.html) as well as the line of the berth. Now, from the library icon grid, drag the [YardBlock](YardBlock.html)icon to the model space to create a yard block. Click and drag the block to the location you want to place it, as shown in the picture below. ![]( - From the main menu open [Container Terminal](Container_Terminal_Menu.html) > [Yard Planner](Yard_Planner_Overview.html). - In the [Block Assignments](Block_Assignments.html) tab, click Add Rule. - Specify to store all containers in Block1, as shown in the picture below. - Click Apply and Close. ![]( - Press Reset then Run, as shown in the picture below. - You may want to adjust how quickly the simulation runs using the Run Speedslider. Simply click on the slider and slide it to the left to decrease the simulation speed, or slide it to the right to increase the simulation speed. You may also enter a custom run speed by clicking on the drop down arrow on the right-hand-side, selecting the "Custom" option, entering a decimal value and clicking "Set." ![]( <a name="Adding">Adding roads, trucks and cranes</a> - <a name="Adding"> To create the road, drop four </a>[network nodes](NetworkNode.html) around the block. Note: If you are using an evaluation version of the software, you will not be able to build the model as specified below because there is a limit on the number of objects you can add to your model. To get around this, instead of dropping four network nodes, just create the two nodes on the left side of the block. Make an 'A' connection between the two nodes to create a path, then make an 'A' connection from the bottom node to the YardBlock, and an 'A' connection from the top node to the crane. This will create a non-circular path for the truck, but will allow you to finish the model. - Connect the nodes from south to north using the ‘A’ key. - Connect the nodes from west to east using the ‘D’ key. The ‘D’ key is used to specify [virtual exits](Flexsim_Users_Manual.html), which are exits to regions where two task executers (in this case [trucks](Truck.html) and [cranes](Crane.html)) will meet. ![]( - Drop a [TruckGang](CraneGang.html) from the library icon grid. ![]( Note: If you are using an evaluation version of the software, you may get a message that appears telling you that you are in evaluation mode and you cannot create the object. This is because when you drop the crane gang into the model, the library tries to make several trucks in addition to the crane gang object, which is more than the evaluation version allows. If you simply press OK, it should be able to create the crane gang and at least one truck, which is enough for this tutorial. - Double-click the picture in the 3D View to open the Crane Truck Gang's [Properties](Flexsim_Users_Manual.html) window. ![]( - Press the Delete Truck button until the Max Number of Trucks equals 1. - Press the ![]( button to have Crane 1 serviced by this gang. A green line will appear in the model connecting this gang to the crane. - Press OK. - Connect the truck to the lower left network node using the ‘A’ key. A red line will appear from the truck to the node. - Connect the the yard block to the lower right network node using the ‘A’ key. A blue line will appear from the block to the node. - Connect the crane to the upper left network node using the ‘A’ key. A blue line will appear from the crane to the node. ![]( - Drop a [GantryCrane](RTG.html) from the library icon grid to the model. Then position it to be above the yard block. Note: If you get the follow message, you dropped the object onto another object in the model. Press Cancel and redrop the object onto a blank area of the model. ![]( ![]( - Select the main menu option Container Terminal > [Yard Planner](Yard_Planner_Overview.html). - Move to the [Resource Assignments](Resource_Assignments.html) tab. Click Add Rule. - Set the created GantryCrane as the default resource to handle the containers in the yard. - Press Apply and Close. ![]( - Reset and Run the model. ![](