企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
![]( Overview The Truck Gang is a group of trucks that move containers around the model. This object allows you to set the number of trucks in the gang as well as load/unload times and the speed of the trucks. Properties ![]( Cranes serviced by this- This list allows you to associate this gang with cranes. If it is associated with multiple cranes, it will use the Pooling Dispatch Algorithm to determine which crane to service. Cranes become available in the left list when they are added to the berth in the [Berth Layout tab](Berth_Layout.html) of the Berth Planner. Note: A crane without a truck gang will simply drop a container onto the ground and it will "magically" appear in the yard block without any travel delay time. Max Number of Trucks - This value is the number of [trucks](Truck.html)in the gang. To add more trucks to the gang click the "Add Truck" button. To remove trucks from the gang click the "Delete Truck" button. Operational Number of Trucks- This value is the number of trucks that will operate during the model run. You can use this is for experimenting with different numbers of trucks in different runs. You can also change this value via the Experimenter by looking for this value in the tree. Pooling Dispatch Algorithm -聽The various options in this dropdown list allows you to customize how trucks will be dispatched to different cranes if multiple cranes are serviced by this gang. Truck onStateChange Trigger -聽This trigger will be fired before a gang truck's current state changes to the next state. The following gang truck states will be passed in a parameter which represents the gang truck's next state. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_IDLE: The gang truck's next state is idle state. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_WAITING\_AT\_YARD: The gang truck's next state will be waiting at yard side. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_WAITING\_AT\_QUAY\_CRANE: The gang truck's next state will be waiting at quay. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_WAITING\_AT\_RAIL: The gang truck's next state will be waiting at rail side. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_SERVING\_YARD\_CRANE: The gang truck's next state will be serving a yard crane or aother yard resource. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_SERVING\_QUAY\_CRANE: The gang truck's next state will be serving a quay crane or another quay resource. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_SERVING\_RAIL: The gang truck's next state will be serving a rail resource. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_TRAVELING\_WITH\_CONTAINERS: The gang truck's next state will be loaded traveling with containers. - GANG\_TRUCK\_STATE\_TRAVELING\_EMPTY: The gang truck's next state will be empty traveling without containers. Always Use Abstract Travel Times - This checkbox alters the speed that [trucks](Truck.html)travel. If this box is checked, travel times below are editable. The trucks will calculate their travel time using one of the three travel times described below. The truck then divides the distance to the destination by the travel time in order to set its speed. If this box is unchecked, travel times below are not editable. The truck will travel according to its own speed. Discharge Travel Time - This value is the time it takes to receive a container from a crane and deliver it to a yard block. Load Travel Time - This value is the time it takes to receive a container from a yard block and deliver it to a crane. Dual-Cycle Travel Time- This value is the time it takes to receive a container from a crane, deliver it to a yard block, pickup a container from a yard block (not necessarily the same yard block) and return to the crane. <a name="Speeds">Speeds</a><a name="Speeds">- These values are the speed, acceleration, and deceleration of the trucks. If the acceleration or deceleration values are 0, then the truck will instantly move at top speed or stop completely without any acceleration or deceleration time. Time and length units are determined by the </a>[Model Units window](Model_Units.html). Speed values are actually stored on each individual truck. By typing values into the edit boxes and clicking "Set Speeds," each truck will be updated with the new values. To set speeds for individual [trucks](Truck.html), double-click on the truck to open its properties window.