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![](https://box.kancloud.cn/717280aa56a74dbe16bf559ac3ce7c48_68x49.jpg) Overview The [Network Node](Flexsim_Users_Manual.html)is an object from the standard "Discrete Objects" FlexSim library. It is used to control the travel path and direction of operators. Properties To understand how network nodes are used to create a travel path (or road system), please read [Networks](Networks.html) under Miscellaneous > Networks as well as [Adding roads, trucks and cranes](Lesson1.html#Adding) under Tutorials > Lesson1. Some concepts that are specific to FlexTerm are described below. Yard Blocks ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/8ec6e69349202d991ca9877a7106b968_524x119.png) Yard blocks are connected to the network so that trucks can reach them from the network. To connect a yard block, use an "A" connection from the block to one of the network nodes (the blue line). It is common practice to provide a road system (black lines) on the short sides of the block and use [virtual exits](Networks.html#VirtualExits)(orange lines) on the long sides of the block. As trucks leave the network to travel to the block, virtual exits provide more realistic travel paths for the trucks. Trucks ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/f084bf8c7c2484532017bfa625000426_418x134.png) Each truck must be connected to a network individually. It does notwork to simply connect the crane gang or yard gang object to the network. To connect each truck, use an A-connect from the truck to one of the network nodes. Cranes ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/ddd8ccd93e24e7e13901aa1381f8b7fe_245x300.png) Quay cranes do not travel on the network, but they need to be connected to the network so that trucks can reach them from the network. To connect a crane, use a D-connect from the crane to one of the network nodes. To get on and off the network, the truck must go through the connected node. You can connect the crane to multiple network nodes or use [virtual exits](Networks.html#VirtualExits) to provide more variability (and shorter routes) for truck travel. <a name="RTG">RTGs</a> <a name="RTG">![](https://box.kancloud.cn/40e7ac9272c979a9d58a92cf3c151f03_432x180.png)</a> <a name="RTG">In order for a RTG to move between yard blocks that are aligned one above another, the RTG must be connected to a network for travel. This network is often separate from the rest of the road system and contains only two nodes. The nodes should be lined across from the center of each yard block. The nodes are connected to each other, to the yard blocks and to the RTG using A-connections.</a> <a name="RTG">Note: After setting up the network as described, assign the RTG to both blocks in the </a>[Resource Assignments tab](Resource_Assignments.html) of the Yard Planner.