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FlexTerm support a user to set up a warmup time when using Experimenter, similar to regular FlexSim. Warmup Time allows a user to collect statistics starting from a particular time, for example, when the simulation reaches a steady state. Setting Warmup Time The warmup time is set through the Experimenter.聽 The Experimenter can be accessed through the FlexSim Statistics menu.聽 On the Experiment Run tab, there will be an input box for Warmup Time.聽 If this value is set to a non-zero value, then statistics will be reset to initial states at the specified time, and thus only be collected for the time period between the Warmup time and the Run Time at which the model is stopped. If a user would like to reset the satistics at a particular time when the experimenter is not used, the FlexTerm command ctresetstats can be used. Please refer to FlexTerm command documentation for details. ![warmup time overview]( Warmup Time - This is the simulation time that a model will run to before resetting all statistics. Statistics will only be collected for the time period (Run Time - Warmup Time) when use the Experimenter.