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The Hatch Position Editor will allow the user to customize each hatch's specific locaiton on the selected service ship in BerthPlanner. The Hatch Position Editor can be launched from the [Custom Hatch Positions button on the Services tab](Services.html#CustomHatchPositions). ![]( Enable Custom Hatch Positions - Check this box to enable the hatch position table if the user wants to customize the hatch positions on the selected service vessel. Additionally, once this box is checked, each hatch position value will be shown below its corresponding hatch [on the Ship Diagram at the Services Tab](Services.html#ShipDiagram). If unchecked, the hatch position table is non-editable and the hatch position values on the Ship Diagram will be hidden. Default hatch positions on each vessel are equally distributed from the vessel stern to vessel bow. An exception is that Quay Cranes will avoid the vessel building if their hatches are located near the building area. ![]( Hatch Position Table - The hatch position table lists the set of hatches in the selected vessel and their corresponding position values. This table is non-editable when Enable Custom Hatch Positions checkbox is unchecked. - The hatch column on the left lists all the hatches with their hatch names in the same order as the current vessel's hatch profiles list. - The custom position column on the right lists all the corresponding user-defined hatch locations. Each location value represents the exact distance from the selected vessel berth location following vessel berthing direction. For example, without reversing the berthing direction, the distance will be calculated from the vessel stern directed to the vessel bow. By defining this value, any Quay Crane will first move to the custom hatch location and begin operating. Note: Custom positions must be non-negative values. A hatch's location will be assigned by default if negative number is given.