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![]( Overview The Transfer Area is a special network node that is used by trucks and strads to determine where to travel when stacking or unstacking from a block. It is often used in automated terminals that have end-loading blocks. Properties ![]( Staging Class- This value is associated with the staging class used for load staging. This is only needed if you are simulating an automated Strad/RMG facility. In an automated Strad/RMG facility, loads that are to go onto the ship must be brought out of their blocks and put onto the ground before dispatching the strad to pick up the container. The staging class designates which side of a block (which transfer area) to bring the containers out to. For example, if in the strad gang, you specify a load staging class of 3, then when the RMG is notified to bring the container out of the block, it will search all the transfer areas connected to the block, find the transfer area with staging class of 3, and drop the container into that transfer area. Slot Allocation Strategy- This option allows you to write custom code to handle which slot to go to when a traveler arrives at the transfer area. The default strategy assigns trucks or strads to the first available slot. Edit Slot Locations in the Model- Checking this box allows you to manipulate the slots in the model as you would any other object so you can manually move or rotate the slots in the view. It will put an extra blue box in each slot so it is easier to click on the slot to edit it. Uncheck this box when the slots are positioned as desired. Add Slot - This button adds another slot to the area. Delete Slot - This button deletes the last clicked slot in the table. Slot Table- This tables shows the positions and rotations of all the slots in this area. You can manually change the locations or rotations of each slot using this table.