💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a4739073c88bfa7db966b878ea76fe34_69x49.jpg) Overview The Gate Planner is one of four [planners](Planners_Overview.html)you may choose to use in your model. By adding a Gate Planner to your model you are creating a gate-side operation in the model. A Gate Planner object is not necessary in every model, since you may be abstracting the gate-side operation. For more information about abstracting operations, please read the [FlexTerm Modeling Paradigm](Container_Terminal_Modeling_Overview.html). Once the Gate Planner object has been added to the model, the Gate Planner GUI will open automatically. The Gate Planner can be accessed again either by double-clicking on the object in the model view or through the [Container Terminal menu](Container_Terminal_Menu.html) on the main toolbar. Properties The [Gate Planner properties](Gate_Planner_Overview.html) are described in detail under the section Planners > Gate Planner.