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# 从两个排序的数组中找到最接近的对 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/given-two-sorted-arrays-number-x-find-pair-whose-sum-closest-x/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/given-two-sorted-arrays-number-x-find-pair-whose-sum-closest-x/) 给定两个已排序的数组和一个数字`x`,请找到总和最接近`x`的对,**该对具有每个数组中的元素**。 给定两个数组`ar1[0…m-1]`和`ar2[0..n-1]`以及一个数字`x`,我们需要找到对`ar1[i] + ar2[j]`,使得`ar1[i] + ar2[j] – x`最小。 例: ``` Input: ar1[] = {1, 4, 5, 7}; ar2[] = {10, 20, 30, 40}; x = 32 Output: 1 and 30 Input: ar1[] = {1, 4, 5, 7}; ar2[] = {10, 20, 30, 40}; x = 50 Output: 7 and 40 ``` **我们强烈建议您最小化您的浏览器,然后自己尝试。** 一个**简单解决方案**是运行两个循环。 外循环考虑第一个数组的每个元素,内循环检查第二个数组中的对。 我们跟踪`ar1[i] + ar2[j]`与`x`之间的最小差。 我们可以使用以下步骤在`O(n)`时间中完成。 1)使用合并排序的[合并过程](http://geeksquiz.com/merge-sort/),将给定的两个数组合并为大小为`m + n`的辅助数组。 合并时,请保留另一个大小为`m + n`的布尔数组,以指示合并数组中的当前元素是来自`ar1[]`还是`ar2[]`。 2)考虑合并数组,并使用[线性时间算法](http://geeksquiz.com/given-sorted-array-number-x-find-pair-array-whose-sum-closest-x/)找到总和最接近`x`的对。 我们还需要考虑仅具有`ar1[]`中一个元素和`ar2[]`中另一个元素的那些对,为此我们使用了布尔数组。 **我们可以一次通过并增加`O(1)`个空间吗?** 的想法是从一个数组的左侧开始,然后从另一数组的右侧开始,并使用与上述方法的步骤 2 相同的算法。 以下是详细的算法。 ``` 1) Initialize a variable diff as infinite (Diff is used to store the difference between pair and x). We need to find the minimum diff. 2) Initialize two index variables l and r in the given sorted array. (a) Initialize first to the leftmost index in ar1: l = 0 (b) Initialize second the rightmost index in ar2: r = n-1 3) Loop while l = 0 (a) If abs(ar1[l] + ar2[r] - sum) < diff then update diff and result (b) If (ar1[l] + ar2[r] < sum ) then l++ (c) Else r-- 4) Print the result. ``` 以下是此方法的实现。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ program to find the pair from two sorted arays such // that the sum of pair is closest to a given number x #include <iostream> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; // ar1[0..m-1] and ar2[0..n-1] are two given sorted arrays // and x is given number. This function prints the pair  from // both arrays such that the sum of the pair is closest to x. void printClosest(int ar1[], int ar2[], int m, int n, int x) {     // Initialize the diff between pair sum and x.     int diff = INT_MAX;     // res_l and res_r are result indexes from ar1[] and ar2[]     // respectively     int res_l, res_r;     // Start from left side of ar1[] and right side of ar2[]     int l = 0, r = n-1;     while (l<m && r>=0)     {        // If this pair is closer to x than the previously        // found closest, then update res_l, res_r and diff        if (abs(ar1[l] + ar2[r] - x) < diff)        {            res_l = l;            res_r = r;            diff = abs(ar1[l] + ar2[r] - x);        }        // If sum of this pair is more than x, move to smaller        // side        if (ar1[l] + ar2[r] > x)            r--;        else  // move to the greater side            l++;     }     // Print the result     cout << "The closest pair is [" << ar1[res_l] << ", "          << ar2[res_r] << "] \n"; } // Driver program to test above functions int main() {     int ar1[] = {1, 4, 5, 7};     int ar2[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};     int m = sizeof(ar1)/sizeof(ar1[0]);     int n = sizeof(ar2)/sizeof(ar2[0]);     int x = 38;     printClosest(ar1, ar2, m, n, x);     return 0; } ```