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# 合并排序树以获取范围顺序统计信息 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-sort-tree-for-range-order-statistics/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-sort-tree-for-range-order-statistics/) 给定一个由`n`个数字组成的数组,任务是回答以下查询: ``` kthSmallest(start, end, k) : Find the Kth smallest number in the range from array index 'start' to 'end'. ``` 例子: ``` Input : arr[] = {3, 2, 5, 1, 8, 9| Query 1: start = 2, end = 5, k = 2 Query 2: start = 1, end = 6, k = 4 Output : 2 5 Explanation: [2, 5, 1, 8] represents the range from 2 to 5 and 2 is the 2nd smallest number in the range[3, 2, 5, 1, 8, 9] represents the range from 1 to 6 and 5 is the 4th smallest number in the range ``` 关键思想是构建一个[分段树](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/segment-tree-set-1-sum-of-given-range/),每个节点上都有一个向量,并且该向量按排序顺序包含子范围的所有元素。 而且,如果我们观察到这种段树结构,则该结构与[合并排序算法](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-sort/)期间形成的树类似(这就是为什么将其称为合并排序树的原因) 我们使用与[合并排序树(在给定行范围内的较小或相等元素)](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-sort-tree-smaller-or-equal-elements-in-given-row-range/)中讨论的相同的实现方式 首先,我们维护一个向量对,其中每个对`{value, index}`使得对的第一个元素代表输入数组的元素,而对的第二个元素代表其出现的索引。 现在,我们基于每个对的第一个元素对对向量进行排序。 在此之后,我们将建立一个合并排序树,其中每个节点都有一个在排序范围内的索引向量。 当我们必须回答一个查询时,我们发现第`K`个最小的数字是在左子树中还是在右子树中。 想法是使用两个二分搜索并找到左侧子树中的元素数量,以使索引位于给定的查询范围内。 令此类索引的数量为`M`。 如果`M >= K`,则意味着我们将能够在左侧子树中找到第`K`个最小的数字,因此我们在左侧子树中进行调用。 否则,第`K`个最小值位于右的子树中,但是这次我们不必寻找第`K`个最小数量,因为我们已经有第`M`个最小的 HT 了。 左子树中的范围,因此我们应该在右子树中寻找剩余部分,即第`KM`个。 这是第`K`个最小数字的索引,该索引处的值是所需的编号。 ``` // CPP program to implement k-th order statistics #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX = 1000; // Constructs a segment tree and stores tree[] void buildTree(int treeIndex, int l, int r,         vector<pair<int, int> > &a, vector<int> tree[]) {     /* l => start of range,         r => ending of a range         treeIndex => index in the Segment Tree/Merge                       Sort Tree  */     /* leaf node */     if (l == r) {         tree[treeIndex].push_back(a[l].second);         return;     }     int mid = (l + r) / 2;     /* building left subtree */     buildTree(2 * treeIndex, l, mid, a, tree);     /* building left subtree */     buildTree(2 * treeIndex + 1, mid + 1, r, a, tree);     /* merging left and right child in sorted order */     merge(tree[2 * treeIndex].begin(),            tree[2 * treeIndex].end(),           tree[2 * treeIndex + 1].begin(),            tree[2 * treeIndex + 1].end(),           back_inserter(tree[treeIndex])); } // Returns the Kth smallest number in query range int queryRec(int segmentStart, int segmentEnd,               int queryStart, int queryEnd, int treeIndex,                  int K, vector<int> tree[]) {     /*         segmentStart => start of a Segment,         segmentEnd   => ending of a Segment,         queryStart   => start of a query range,         queryEnd     => ending of a query range,         treeIndex    => index in the Segment                          Tree/Merge Sort Tree,         K  => kth smallest number to find  */     if (segmentStart == segmentEnd)          return tree[treeIndex][0];     int mid = (segmentStart + segmentEnd) / 2;     // finds the last index in the segment      // which is <= queryEnd     int last_in_query_range =              (upper_bound(tree[2 * treeIndex].begin(),                           tree[2 * treeIndex].end(),                                           queryEnd)                     - tree[2 * treeIndex].begin());     // finds the first index in the segment     // which is >= queryStart     int first_in_query_range =                  (lower_bound(tree[2 * treeIndex].begin(),                             tree[2 * treeIndex].end(),                                         queryStart)                           - tree[2 * treeIndex].begin());     int M = last_in_query_range - first_in_query_range;     if (M >= K) {         // Kth smallest is in left subtree,         // so recursively call left subtree for Kth          // smallest number         return queryRec(segmentStart, mid, queryStart,                       queryEnd, 2 * treeIndex, K, tree);     }     else {         // Kth smallest is in right subtree,         // so recursively call right subtree for the          // (K-M)th smallest number         return queryRec(mid + 1, segmentEnd, queryStart,                queryEnd, 2 * treeIndex + 1, K - M, tree);     } } // A wrapper over query() int query(int queryStart, int queryEnd, int K, int n,           vector<pair<int, int> > &a, vector<int> tree[]) {     return queryRec(0, n - 1, queryStart - 1, queryEnd - 1,                                                 1, K, tree); } // Driver code int main() {     int arr[] = { 3, 2, 5, 1, 8, 9 };     int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);     // vector of pairs of form {element, index}     vector<pair<int, int> > v;     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {         v.push_back(make_pair(arr[i], i));     }     // sort the vector     sort(v.begin(), v.end());     // Construct segment tree in tree[]     vector<int> tree[MAX];     buildTree(1, 0, n - 1, v, tree);     // Answer queries     // kSmallestIndex hold the index of the kth smallest number     int kSmallestIndex = query(2, 5, 2, n, v, tree);     cout << arr[kSmallestIndex] << endl;     kSmallestIndex = query(1, 6, 4, n, v, tree);     cout << arr[kSmallestIndex] << endl;     return 0; } ``` **输出**: ``` 2 5 ``` 因此,通过在索引上建立合并排序树,我们可以得到`L`到`R`范围内的第`K`个最小数字的查询,形式为 `O(n(logn)^2)`。 * * * * * *