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# 数组范围查询频率与值相同的元素 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/array-range-queries-elements-frequency-value/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/array-range-queries-elements-frequency-value/) 给定一个由`N`个数字组成的数组,任务是回答以下类型的`Q`个查询: ``` query(start, end) = Number of times a number x occurs exactly x times in a subarray from start to end ``` **示例**: ``` 输入: arr = {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3} 查询 1: start = 0, end = 1, 查询 2: start = 1, end = 1, 查询 3: start = 0, end = 2, 查询 4: start = 1, end = 3, 查询 5: start = 3, end = 5, 查询 6: start = 0, end = 5 输出: 1 0 2 1 1 3 ``` > **说明** > 在查询 1 中,元素 1 在子数组`[1, 2]`中出现一次; > 在查询 2 中,没有元素满足子数组`[2]`的条件。 > 在查询 3 中,元素 1 在子数组`[1, 2, 2]`中出现一次,而元素 2 出现两次; > 在查询 4 中,元素 2 在子数组`[2, 2, 3]`中出现两次; > 在查询 5 中,元素 3 在子数组`[3, 3, 3]`中发生三次。 > 在查询 6 中,元素 1 在子数组`[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]`中发生一次,2 发生两次,3 发生三次 **方法 1(暴力)** 计算每个查询下子数组中每个元素的频率。 如果在每个查询覆盖的子数组中任何数字`x`的频率为`x`,我们将增加计数器。 ## C++ ```cpp /* C++ Program to answer Q queries to     find number of times an element x     appears x times in a Query subarray */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* Returns the count of number x with    frequency x in the subarray from     start to end */ int solveQuery(int start, int end, int arr[]) {     // map for frequency of elements     unordered_map<int, int> frequency;     // store frequency of each element      // in arr[start; end]     for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)          frequency[arr[i]]++;         // Count elements with same frequency     // as value     int count = 0;     for (auto x : frequency)          if (x.first == x.second)              count++;         return count; } int main() {     int A[] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 };     int n = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);     // 2D array of queries with 2 columns     int queries[][3] = { { 0, 1 },                          { 1, 1 },                          { 0, 2 },                          { 1, 3 },                          { 3, 5 },                          { 0, 5 } };     // calculating number of queries     int q = sizeof(queries) / sizeof(queries[0]);     for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {         int start = queries[i][0];         int end = queries[i][1];         cout << "Answer for Query " << (i + 1)              << " = " << solveQuery(start,              end, A) << endl;     }     return 0; } ```