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# 在给定范围内出现偶数次的数字的 XOR > 原文: []( 给定一个大小为`N`和`Q`的数字数组。 每个查询或范围可以由`L`(`LeftIndex`)和`R`(`RightIndex`)表示。 查找在给定范围内出现偶数次的数字的 XOR 和。 **前提**: [查询给定范围内不同数字的数量。]( | [用于范围查询的分段树]( 例子 : ``` Input : arr[] = { 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3 } Q = 5 L = 3, R = 6 L = 3, R = 4 L = 0, R = 2 L = 0, R = 6 L = 0, R = 4 Output : 0 3 1 3 2 ``` **上面示例的说明**: 在查询 1 中,没有数字出现偶数次。 因此 XOR 和为 0。 在查询 2 中,`{3}`出现偶数次。 XOR 和为 3。 在查询 3 中,`{1}`出现偶数次。 XOR 和为 1。 在查询 4 中,`{1, 2}`出现偶数次。 XOR 和为`1 xor 2 = 3`。 在查询 5 中,`{1, 3}`出现偶数次。 XOR 和是`1 xor 3 = 2`。 [段树](或[二叉索引树](可用于有效解决此问题。 **方法**: 首先,很容易注意到查询的答案是查询范围内所有元素的 XOR 和,与查询范围内的**不同**元素的 XOR 和的 XOR(因为将元素与其自身进行 XOR 运算得出空值)。 使用前缀 XOR 和求出查询范围内所有数字的 XOR 和。 **查找范围内不同元素的 XOR 和**: [给定范围](的子数组中不同元素的数量。 现在,回到我们的主要问题,只需将赋值`BIT[i] = 1`更改为`BIT[i] = arr[i]`并计算 XOR 和而不是总和。 **以下是在 CPP** 中使用**二叉索引树**的实现 ``` // CPP Program to Find the XOR-sum // of elements that appeared even // number of times within a range #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* structure to store queries    L --> Left Bound of Query    R --> Right Bound of Query    idx --> Query Number */ struct que {     int L, R, idx; }; // cmp function to sort queries  // according to R bool cmp(que a, que b) {     if (a.R != b.R)         return a.R < b.R;     else         return a.L < b.L; } /*  N  --> Number of elements present in     input array. BIT[0..N] --> Array that      represents Binary Indexed Tree*/ // Returns XOR-sum of arr[0..index]. This // function assumes that the array is // preprocessed and partial sums of array  // elements are stored in BIT[]. int getSum(int BIT[], int index) {     // Iniialize result     int xorSum = 0;     // index in BITree[] is 1 more than     // the index in arr[]     index = index + 1;     // Traverse ancestors of BIT[index]     while (index > 0)      {         // Take XOR of current element          // of BIT to xorSum         xorSum ^= BIT[index];         // Move index to parent node         // in getSum View         index -= index & (-index);     }     return xorSum; } // Updates a node in Binary Index Tree // (BIT) at given index in BIT.  The // given value 'val' is xored to BIT[i]  // and all of its ancestors in tree. void updateBIT(int BIT[], int N,                 int index, int val) {     // index in BITree[] is 1 more than      // the index in arr[]     index = index + 1;     // Traverse all ancestors and      // take xor with 'val'     while (index <= N)      {         // Take xor with 'val' to          // current node of BIT         BIT[index] ^= val;         // Update index to that of          // parent in update View         index += index & (-index);     } } // Constructs and returns a Binary Indexed // Tree for given array of size N. int* constructBITree(int arr[], int N) {     // Create and initialize BITree[] as 0     int* BIT = new int[N + 1];     for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)         BIT[i] = 0;     return BIT; } // Function to answer the Queries void answeringQueries(int arr[], int N,         que queries[], int Q, int BIT[]) {     // Creating an array to calculate     // prefix XOR sums     int* prefixXOR = new int[N + 1];     // map for coordinate compression     // as numbers can be very large but we     // have limited space     map<int, int> mp;     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {         // If A[i] has not appeared yet         if (!mp[arr[i]])             mp[arr[i]] = i;         // calculate prefixXOR sums         if (i == 0)             prefixXOR[i] = arr[i];         else             prefixXOR[i] =                  prefixXOR[i - 1] ^ arr[i];     }     // Creating an array to store the     // last occurrence of arr[i]     int lastOcc[1000001];     memset(lastOcc, -1, sizeof(lastOcc));     // sort the queries according to comparator     sort(queries, queries + Q, cmp);     // answer for each query     int res[Q];     // Query Counter     int j = 0;     for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++)      {         while (j <= queries[i].R)          {             // If last visit is not -1 update             // arr[j] to set null by taking             // xor with itself at the idx              // equal lastOcc[mp[arr[j]]]             if (lastOcc[mp[arr[j]]] != -1)                 updateBIT(BIT, N,                        lastOcc[mp[arr[j]]], arr[j]);             // Setting lastOcc[mp[arr[j]]] as j and             // updating the BIT array accordingly             updateBIT(BIT, N, j, arr[j]);             lastOcc[mp[arr[j]]] = j;             j++;         }         // get the XOR-sum of all elements within         // range using precomputed prefix XORsums         int allXOR = prefixXOR[queries[i].R] ^                       prefixXOR[queries[i].L - 1];         // get the XOR-sum of distinct elements         // within range using BIT query function         int distinctXOR = getSum(BIT, queries[i].R) ^                            getSum(BIT, queries[i].L - 1);         // store the final answer at the numbered query         res[queries[i].idx] = allXOR ^ distinctXOR;     }     // Output the result     for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++)         cout << res[i] << endl; } // Driver program to test above functions int main() {     int arr[] = { 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3 };     int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);     int* BIT = constructBITree(arr, N);     // structure of array for queries     que queries[5];     // Intializing values (L, R, idx) to queries     queries[0].L = 3;      queries[0].R = 6, queries[0].idx = 0;     queries[1].L = 3;      queries[1].R = 4, queries[1].idx = 1;     queries[2].L = 0;      queries[2].R = 2, queries[2].idx = 2;     queries[3].L = 0;      queries[3].R = 6, queries[3].idx = 3;     queries[4].L = 0;      queries[4].R = 4, queries[4].idx = 4;     int Q = sizeof(queries) / sizeof(queries[0]);     // answer Queries     answeringQueries(arr, N, queries, Q, BIT);     return 0; } ``` **输出**: ``` 0 3 1 3 2 ``` **时间复杂度**: `O(Q * Log(N))`,其中`N`是数组的大小,`Q`是查询的总数。 * * * * * *